Atividade de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão
Publicado em 12/06/2019 às 8:13O LRG (Laboratório de Redes e Gerência) da UFSC realiza atividades de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão, principalmente, em “Gerência, Segurança e Sustentabilidade para Internet of Things (IoT), incluindo Cloud Computing, Fog, Edge… e usando Inteligência Artificial (IA), Blockchain, IDS, Gerenciamento de Identidade…
“Da natureza dos seus pensamentos depende a força do seu corpo, o vigor da sua inteligência, o sucesso do seu negócio e a alegria que as suas relações comunicam aos outros homens.”
(From left to right – Professors Carlos and Carla; PhDs Leandro, Johann, Cristiano and Wesley).
“Deixe os outros pensarem como quiserem e serem o que quiserem. Só não permita que te dominem e decidam no mundo que é só seu.”
Networks and Management Laboratory
Publicado em 12/06/2019 às 8:00“Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them” (Matthew 5:3).
“With the grace of God, we are always better at everything with wisdom, health, peace, love, prosperity, well-being, happiness… contributing to the universe”.
Recent “papers” , “slides” , “videos” , “others” , and links with more information.
Research project:
MAIDAM in IoT/Fog/Cloud – Mutual Authentication, Intrusion Detection and Autonomic Management in IoT/Fog/Cloud Environments and AutoManSec 4 CloudIoT – Autonomic Management and Security for Cloud and IoT
Some results:
Intensive care unit nursing workload estimation in smart hospitals
Distributed AgriFood Supply Chains
Performance of security options for message protocols: A comparative analysis
DNNET-Ensemble approach to detecting and identifying attacks in IoT environments
Autonomic energy management with Fog Computing
Mutual authentication with multi-factor in IoT-Fog-Cloud environment
Blockchain incentivized data forwarding in MANETs: Strategies and challenges
Hybrid approach to intrusion detection in fog-based IoT environments
Autonomic Intrusion Detection and Response Using Big Data
Order@Cloud: An agnostic meta‐heuristic for VM provisioning, adaptation, and organisation
Mutual Authentication for IoT in the Context of Fog Computing
Privacy Policies Model in Access Control
Cloud identity management: a survey on privacy strategies
Improving cloud computing virtual machines balancing through hosts and virtual machines similarities
Preserving Privacy with Fine-grained Authorization in an Identity Management System
A Framework and Risk Assessment Approaches for Risk-based Access Control in the Cloud
Order@Cloud: A VM Organisation Framework Based on Multi-Objectives Placement Ranking
A Model for Managed Elements under Autonomic Cloud Computing Management
A distributed autonomic management framework for cloud computing orchestration
RACLOUDS – Model for Clouds Risk Analysis in the Information Assets Context
Cloud resource management: a survey on forecasting and profiling models
Legacy Network Infrastructure Management Model for Green Cloud Validated Through Simulations
Operation, Management, Security and Sustainability for Cloud Computing
Green Clouds through Servers, Virtual Machines and Network Infrastructure Management
– “Provisioning, Resource Allocation, and DVFS in Green Clouds
– “Environment, Services and Network Management for Green Clouds